Alladan discovered Bitcoin in 2016 & never looked back. A husband & father of 3, he has been an entrepreneur, a musician, writer and artist his entire life. Alladan started his first business at the age of 17, HG Records. He grew up in a small farming town in Northern California & understood the overreach of our government at a very young age, seeing firsthand the corruption, lies and propaganda spread by the very people we were told to trust.

When he learned about Bitcoin, it was obvious that this was the best and most powerful opportunity we've ever had to restore our rapidly depleting sovereignty. He vowed to do all he could to help spread the word about Bitcoin & the importance of freedom to as many people as possible.

Alladan has been working on Bitcoin Trading Cards for over 4 years, compiling vast amounts of information & collecting feedback from the general public through his Bitcoin consulting company, The Bitcoin Life Raft. Over this time he has put together an amazing team of artists from around the world to help him create the unique & detailed work of art on each card.

 Let us join together and create the strongest community in the world, focused on Peace, Freedom & Decentralization by Joining the Pack. We need all the help we can get to spread Bitcoin Adoption & awaken the public to the truth of our monetary system & why we need change now more than ever.

For our children, because their future depends on us.